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Frequently Asked Questions


How do I get my tapes to Kelly at Movies by Kelly?

You can mail your items to me or drop them off with me. After a call or text, we'll decide what works best for you.

How much will it cost?

I have a page with all my prices. I will adjust price on tapes that don't have much video on them. It depends on how many tapes you have and much video is on each tape.

How long does it take to get my finished project back?

Most projects take 1-2 weeks but really depends on how many items you have and how much is on each tape. Usually 1-10 tapes takes 3-5 days. 10-20 tapes 7 days. 30 plus is usually 2 weeks.

Who will be handling and watching my private home videos?

My name is Kelly and this is my business. I am the only person ever handling and working with your private memories. I take this very serious and I know these are irreplaceable and sometimes have sensitive memories on them. I have handled home videos and pictures of loved ones that are no longer living, child births and kids in bathtubs. You can trust me with you priceless treasures!

I can no longer view my tapes. What if there are some blank tapes or tapes with movies or television shows on them?

I usually only transfer home video. If there is any tv shows or movies, I'll be in contact with you to let you know what it is and you can decide if you'd like it transferred. There is no charge for any tapes that that don't get transferred.

Will I get my original items returned to me?

YES! You will receive all your items back!

How will I be able to view my home movies once they have been transferred?

Your videos and or Jpeg pictures will be put on a USB drive. You can use that drive on your smart tv or computer. I can make DVDs but don't recommend them. They are being phased out. But if that's what you'd like I can make you DVDs.

What's the next step?

Call or text me at (951) 265-3669 to discuss your video transfer needs!



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